Monthly Inquiry Group Details

2024 Schedule

Two series offered per year over Zoom — $150 per series
Winter-Spring (Feb-May) & Summer-Fall (Aug-Nov)

Meeting Times and Dates:

Monday and Wednesday Groups meeting time:
4 pm Pacific Time (5pm Mountain time/6 pm Central Time/7 pm Eastern Time)

Sunday Group meeting time:
9 am Pacific Time (10 am Mountain Time/11 am Central Time/12 pm Eastern Time)

Note: You can switch to another day if there’s a personal conflict to avoid missing your regular monthly group practice.

2024 Winter-Spring Dates for Monday & Sunday Groups
2/19 & 25; 3/11 & 17; 4/8 & 14; 5/6 & 12 (Completed)

2024 Summer-Fall Dates for Monday, Wednesday, Sunday Groups
Mondays: Aug19, Sep16, Oct 7, Nov 18
Wednesdays: Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 23, Nov 13
Sundays: Aug 25, Sep 22, Oct 13, Nov 24

Note: The 2025 Schedule will be sent to my email list as soon as it’s available in September/October 2024. If you’re not on my email list, see the Sign-Up link at the top right of my website.

Monthly Group Sign-up Form

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